A simple way to perform asynchronous calls to the server from the client is by using the ICallbackEventHandler interface in .NET 2.0.
1.) Create a class and specify ICallbackEventHandler interface:
public partial class TestClass : System.Web.UI.UserControl, ICallbackEventHandler
2.) Implement ICallbackEventHandler.RaiseCallbackEvent and ICallbackEventHandler.GetCallbackResult()
private string results;
void ICallbackEventHandler.RaiseCallbackEvent(string argument)
string[] list;
int i=0;
string id= argument.ToLower();
DataView dv = RetrieveData(argument);
list = new string[dv.Table.Rows.Count];
foreach (DataRow row in dv.Table.Rows)
list[i] = row[1].ToString() + "," + row[2].ToString();
results = String.Join("-", list);
string ICallbackEventHandler.GetCallbackResult()
return results;
3.) Create async call-back function for use on client side.
private string GetDataRefreshScript()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("function RefreshResults(data){");
sb.AppendLine(Page.ClientScript.GetCallbackEventReference(this, "data", "UpdateData","null", "UpdateData_Error", true));
return sb.ToString();
4.) Create client script to handle data retreived from server through async call.
private string GetUpdateDataScript()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("function UpdateData(response, context) {");
sb.AppendLine("var id = document.getElementById(\"" + ResultsGrid.ClientID + "\");");
sb.AppendLine("if(id != null){");
sb.AppendLine("var rows = new Array();");
sb.AppendLine("rows = response.split(\"-\");");
sb.AppendLine("for(j=0; j sb.AppendLine("var tmpRow = rows[j];");
sb.AppendLine("addResultGridRow(id, tmpRow);\r\n}}}");
sb.AppendLine("function UpdateData_Error(response, context) {");
sb.AppendLine("var err = document.getElementById(\"" + errorMessage.ClientID +"\");");
sb.AppendLine("if(err != null){");
sb.AppendLine("err.innerHTML = 'Error processing data.';");
sb.AppendLine("err.style.visibility = 'visible';\r\n}}");
return sb.ToString();
5.) The last thing that needs done is triggering the async call from client
btn.Attributes.Add("onmousedown", "RefreshResults('" + data + "')");
Monday, December 8, 2008
Communicate data between two browser windows
To communicate data between two browser windows "window.opener" can be of assistance. window.opener returns a reference to the window that opened the current window. So this mock function below should be inserted into the opened window.
Make note that "__datatarget" and "__datawindow" are two variables that were defined in the parent window.
function SetData(data)
if ((window.opener != null)
&& (!window.opener.closed)
&& (window.opener.__datatarget != null))
var changed = (window.opener.__datatarget.value != data);
window.opener.__dataetarget.value = employee;
window.opener.__datawindow.value = null;
if (changed)
Make note that "__datatarget" and "__datawindow" are two variables that were defined in the parent window.
function SetData(data)
if ((window.opener != null)
&& (!window.opener.closed)
&& (window.opener.__datatarget != null))
var changed = (window.opener.__datatarget.value != data);
window.opener.__dataetarget.value = employee;
window.opener.__datawindow.value = null;
if (changed)
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