Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Minutia of a Javascript Checkbox

An overlooked aspect of the Javascript checkbox is, unlike it's asp:checkbox brother, you can group them together with one name and view the values on the server side. In this example, a checkbox is placed in an asp:datagrid. An asp:repeater would work the same way.

This would go in the datagrid/repeater:
<input type="checkbox" name="VALUEChkBx" value='<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "aValue")%>' onclick="return VALUEChkBx_Click(this, event);">
On the page you could add some javascript functionality by taking advantage of the onclick attribute:
function VALUEChkBx_Click(src, e)
  var f = src.form;
  f.EmailBtn.disabled = true;

  for (i=0, j=f.length; i<j; i++)
    var ele = f[i];
    if ( == "VALUEChkBx" && ele.checked)
      f.EmailTxt.disabled = false;
      f.EmailBtn.disabled = false;

Now for the intricate part, the code behind:
string valueList = Request.Form["VALUEChkBx"];
if (valueList != null && valueList.Length != 0)
  string [] aList = valueList.Split(',');

  for(int i=0; i<aList.Length; i++)
    string value = aList[i].ToString();

**Notice that aList holds each individual value of the checkboxes that were checked on the page. Take special note to request the checkbox(s) using the form - Request.Form["VALUEChkBx"]

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Windows XP Cut and Paste not working?

If you find yourself having trouble transferring data using the antiquated cut and paste feature of Windows and find it's not working, you have too many programs running. No, I don't have an MSDN link backing my statement, but if you close some excess programs, your cut and paste will function again.
If anyone has a link explaining this jacked performance, let me know.